
Soft White

The kitchen modules are manufactured with a 16mm waterproof Fimaplast coating, making them ideal for use even in damp environments. The modules have a melamine coating which allows an easy cleaning. They are also scratch resistant and have an antibacterial surface.

Sales are carried out in kits, disassembled and packed with retractable film, including the respective screws, dowels and non-slip shelf support.

modulo Aglomerdao 16mm Hidrófugo, orla á vista 1mm oculta 0,4mm
traseira Placa de 6mm
profundidade 580mm nos módulos inferiores e 330mm nos módulos superiores
apresentacao Embalagem retrátil e etiquetada com elementos de montagem incluídos
H A = L P
Módulos Superiores
420 600 330
620 600 330
450 600 330
900 330
700 300 330
350 330
400 330
450 330
500 330
600 330
700 330
800 330
900 330
1000 330
900 300 330
350 330
400 330
450 330
500 330
600 330
700 330
800 330
900 330
1000 330
Módulos Superiores Canto
700 650 330
900 650 330
700 600 330
900 600 330
Módulos Inferiores
700 300 580
350 580
400 580
450 580
500 580
600 580
700 580
800 580
900 580
1000 580
1200 580
700 450 580
500 580
600 580
800 580
900 580
1000 580
1200 580
700 600 580
700 950 580
2000 400 580
2200 400 580
2000 600 580
2200 600 580
Forno + Microondas
2000 600 580
2200 600 580
Kit 3 Prateleiras
Largura Espessura
500 367
500 567
Comp. Largura Espessura
Com Ranhura 2850 330 16
2850 580 16
Sem Ranhura 2850 300 16
2850 500 16
2850 580 16

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All rights reserved | geral@ferreiramartins.pt
